Business Development Specialist - Papa Lembu
News Update

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Business Development Specialist

Lowongan Kerja Posisi Business Development Specialist di PT Deptech Digital Indonesia


Job Descriptions:

  • Responsible for driving business growth within a company and develop a network of contacts to attract new clients
  • Research new market opportunities and oversee growth projects, making sales projections and forecasting revenue, in line with projected income.
  • Analyzing and expanding business operations toward sustained growth.
  • Monitoring revenue streams and identifying opportunities to increase profitability.
  • Evaluating and improving sales, marketing, and branding strategies.
  • Identifying and developing new lines of business based on consumer behavior.
  • Performing competitor analysis toward obtaining an increased market share.
  • Developing client relationships and strengthening industry partnerships.
  • Identifying new clients by researching and creating networking opportunities.
  • Negotiating and closing business deals that promote sustained revenue.
  • Liaising with Sales, Marketing, and Management to align strategies aimed at increasing revenue.
  • Assessing and advising on potential joint ventures, mergers, and acquisitions.


  • Bachelor's Degree in Business Development or Marketing, or similar.
  • 2+ Year’s Experience in IT Outsourcing.
  • Previous experience as a Business Development Specialist in a related industry.
  • Proficiency in integrated business management and CRM software.
  • Advanced knowledge of business development, marketing strategies, and brand expansion.
  • Experience in identifying profitable business opportunities and potential clients.
  • Exceptional ability to analyze market trends and competitor behavior.
  • Ability to maintain strong client relationships and establish industry partnerships.
  • Competency in negotiating and closing business deals.
  • Ability to advise on possible joint ventures, mergers, and acquisitions.
  • Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills.

Informasi Tambahan Lowongan Kerja

Tingkat Pekerjaan : Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)
Kualifikasi : Sarjana (S1), Diploma Pascasarjana, Gelar Professional, Magister (S2)
Pengalaman Kerja : 2 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan : Kontrak
Spesialisasi Pekerjaan : Penjualan / Pemasaran, Pemasaran/Pengembangan Bisnis / 503, 139

Informasi perusahaan Pemberi Kerja, PT Deptech Digital Indonesia

PT Deptech Digital Indonesia

Deptech Digital is an IT company that is focused on web technology. Founded in 2005, Deptech Digital has had a variety of experiences in dealing with various information technology projects, including website design, web portals, management information system, SMS gateway, intranet applications, ecommerce and social media application. Our professional team constantly strive for new innovations, solutions and are always keeping up with the latest technology trend in order to provide the best solution for our clients. Are you UNIQ, CAPABLE and wanna join with our best team? Don't hesitate and quick apply! more information

Informasi Tambahan Perusahaan PT Deptech Digital Indonesia

Ukuran Perusahaan : 1- 50 pekerja
Waktu Proses Lamaran : 8 hari
Industri : Komputer/Teknik Informatika (Perangkat Lunak)
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain : Tip, Asuransi kesehatan, Pinjaman, Waktu regular, Senin - Jumat, Kasual (contoh: Kaos)
Lokasi : Jakarta Selatan


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